SENNEBOGEN Akademie feiert 10-jähriges Bestehen
10 years academy A Decade of Knowledge and Values
08.11.2024 Straubing, Deutschland Author: Sandra Hartl

SENNEBOGEN Academy Celebrates 10th Anniversary

In October 2024, the SENNEBOGEN Academy celebrated a special anniversary: for ten years, the training center of the traditional family-owned company SENNEBOGEN in Straubing has been providing a comprehensive educational and qualification platform for employees, customers, and partners. Since opening its doors in 2014, the Academy has evolved into much more than just a training facility. As a place of knowledge and values, it shapes the company in the three pillars of professional development, technical training, and brand development, becoming a key element of the SENNEBOGEN DNA.

Experience Knowledge and Values – The Erich Sennebogen Museum

A central aspect of brand development is the Erich Sennebogen Museum, based on the original plans and drawings of the company's founder. This museum brings the history and values of SENNEBOGEN to life for customers, employees, and interested visitors, acting as a unique brand ambassador for the SENNEBOGEN philosophy of "Quality and Durability Made in Germany." The exhibition allows visitors to immerse themselves deeply in the company's development and values, creating a personal connection to the brand.

“Training” is the largest area of the Academy and is aimed at customers, users, dealers and employees with a wide range of training courses. From driving licenses to expert training for specific product lines, the range covers a broad spectrum and is continuously being developed. Over the past ten years, around 15,000 training participants have attended over 2,000 training sessions. These figures are impressive proof of the reach and success of the SENNEBOGEN Academy's training program.

Shaping the Future Through Education and Training

The "professional development" pillar has always focused on securing and developing skilled workers. A key area of emphasis is practical training programs for various target groups. This is complemented by seminars on personal development and leadership skills, covering topics such as rhetoric, self- and time management, and project management. A new, multi-stage, customized development program for junior leaders and high-potential employees was introduced in 2024. "This program is an example of how we foster talent and specifically prepare employees for leadership roles," explains Eva Strähuber, responsible for personnel development at SENNEBOGEN.

The SENNEBOGEN Academy team.

15,000 training participants in over 2,000 training sessions

The "technical training" pillar is the largest area of the Academy, offering a wide range of training programs for customers, users, dealers, and employees. The offering spans from driver certifications to expert training on specific product lines and is continuously developed. Over the past ten years, around 15,000 participants have attended more than 2,000 training sessions. These figures clearly demonstrate the reach and success of the SENNEBOGEN Academy's training offerings.

More than a Training Institution – The Academy as a Link

Over the past ten years, the SENNEBOGEN Academy has become a place that goes far beyond the simple transfer of knowledge. "The Academy is no longer just a training facility. It connects colleagues, employees, and partners, fostering dialogue, understanding, and teamwork. It strengthens identification with our products and values, and helps employees better navigate their professional challenges, which in turn increases appreciation within the company," emphasizes Michael Ibarth, Managing Director of the Academy.

The event was accompanied by futuristic dancers.

Akademie 2.0: E-Learning und Webbased Training

Die Jubiläumsfeier Mitte Oktober bot den passenden Rahmen, um gemeinsam mit Geschäftspartnern, Freunden und Mitarbeitenden auf die Erfolge der letzten zehn Jahre zurückzublicken und den Ausbau des Schulungsangebots, die Erweiterung des Trainerteams sowie die Einführung neuer digitaler Lernformate zu feiern. Ebenso wurden zwei Händler im Rahmen der der Feierlichkeiten ausgezeichnet: Schlüter Baumaschinen GmbH aus Erwitte für die hervorragende Schulungsteilnahme und SMT aus den Niederlanden als zertifizierter Trainingspartner. Gleichzeitig wurde ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Akademie gegeben, die sich unter dem Arbeitstitel „Akademie 2.0“ verstärkt auf digitale Lösungen wie E-Learning und Webbased Trainings konzentriert. „Die Anforderungen an die Qualifikation ändern sich. Fachkräfte und Anwender müssen künftig stärker auf digitale Services geschult werden – diesen Entwicklungen werden wir uns intensiv widmen“, sagt Florian Attenhauser.

Mit Blick auf die nächsten zehn Jahre steht die SENNEBOGEN Akademie fest verankert für die Zukunft des Unternehmens und die stetige Weiterentwicklung seiner Mitarbeitenden, Partner und der Marke SENNEBOGEN selbst.