The participants get an overview of the machines, as well as the location of the components. They get familiarized with maintaining and servicing the machine. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can comprehend the controls on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagram. In practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After a successful course participation, the participants can instruct their customers on the machine, carry out all necessary maintenance steps and perform targeted checks and adjustments on the hydraulic- and electrical system.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
The participants get an overview of the machines, as well as the location of the components. They get familiarized with maintaining and servicing the machine. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can comprehend the controls on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagram. In practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After a successful course participation, the participants can instruct their customers on the machine, carry out all necessary maintenance steps and perform targeted checks and adjustments on the hydraulic- and electrical system.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
Hintergrund: Nicht nur im KFZ- Bereich, sondern auch in der BaumaschinenBranche halten elektrisch angetriebene Fahrzeuge vermehrt Einzug. Bei Wartung, Service und im Umgang mit diesen Geräten ist besondere Vorsicht geboten. Für SENNEBOGEN betrifft das derzeit das Modell 735 Green Efficiency Drive sowie zukünftige Akku-Lösungen. Die DGUV Information 209 – 093 regelt die Qualifizierung von Personen, die Arbeiten an Fahrzeugen mit Hochvolt-Systemen und Komponenten ausführen. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Schipper Certification hat die SENNEBOGEN Akademie deshalb ein Schulungskonzept ausgearbeitet, um mit Beginn 2022 diese Ausbildung durchführen zu können. Qualifizierungsstufen: insgesamt kennt die DGUV vier Qualifizierungsstufen im Bereich Hochvolt. Beim Umgang mit der Hochvoltmaschine als Fahrer oder Verkäufer ist eine Maschineneinweisung (S) erforderlich. Sobald Arbeiten, auch bspw. mechanische Wartungen, erfolgen, ist eine gesonderte Qualifizierung der Stufe 1S oder 2S erforderlich. Arbeiten an Komponenten unter Spannung erfordern grundsätzlich die Stufe 3S
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
Insurance and safety regulations stipulate that only trained and authorized persons are allowed to get assigned to operate earth moving machines/ cranes and telescopic handlers. At the SENNEBOGEN Academy you have the possibility, to get the knowledge, the skill and the certification, to operate all our products and identical ones. Each machine type (material handling machine/ crane/ all-terrain telescopic handlers) requires a 2-day course. After successful course participation, the employee and the employer can prove that the operator is a "qualified person". That means his physical and mental fitness has been proven and trained accordingly.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
The participants get an overview of the machines, as well as the location of the components. They get familiarized with maintaining and servicing the machine. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can comprehend the controls on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagram. In practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After a successful course participation, the participants can instruct their customers on the machine, carry out all necessary maintenance steps and perform targeted checks and adjustments on the hydraulic- and electrical system.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
The participants get an overview of the machines, as well as the location of the components. They get familiarized with maintaining and servicing the machine. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can comprehend the controls on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagram. In practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After a successful course participation, the participants can instruct their customers on the machine, carry out all necessary maintenance steps and perform targeted checks and adjustments on the hydraulic- and electrical system.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
The participants will get an overview of the location, function and maintenance of the components of the Cummins engine. They will learn how the components work and can identify, correct and reset malfunctions with the help of programs provided by Cummins. In the practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (measurements, function tests, component dismantling or assembly, etc.). After successful course participation, the participants can carry out targeted checks, troubleshooting, replace defective components, solve or reset errors and are qualified in the “Cummins Repair Level”.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
Insurance and safety regulations stipulate that only trained and authorized persons are allowed to get assigned to operate earth moving machines/ cranes and telescopic handlers. After successful course participation, both, the employee and the employer can prove, that the operator is a "qualified person". That means, his physical and mental fitness has been proven and trained accordingly.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
In the technical training for end customers the participants get an overview of the machines, localization of the components, their function and become familiar with operation and maintenance. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can understand the control of them on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagrams. In practical units, the imparted knowledge of the theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After successful course participation, the participants can perform all necessary maintenance steps. They can perform checks, to an certain degree, on the hydraulic and electrical system to eliminate minor troubles themselves
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
The participants get an overview of the machines, as well as the location of the components. They get familiarized with maintaining and servicing the machine. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can comprehend the controls on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagram. In practical units, the mediated knowledge of theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After a successful course participation, the participants can instruct their customers on the machine, carry out all necessary maintenance steps and perform targeted checks and adjustments on the hydraulic- and electrical system.
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing
In the technical training for end customers the participants get an overview of the machines, localization of the components, their function and become familiar with operation and maintenance. They will learn about the operation of the hydraulic, electrical and electronic components and can understand the control of them on the basis of the hydraulic or electrical circuit diagrams. In practical units, the imparted knowledge of the theory is put into practice (electrical / hydraulic measurements, functional tests and, if necessary, driving exercises). After successful course participation, the participants can perform all necessary maintenance steps. They can perform checks, to an certain degree, on the hydraulic and electrical system to eliminate minor troubles themselves
Sennebogen Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Sennebogen Str. 8, 94315 Straubing